All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism by Turnitin system (online plagiarism detection software) and must pass any issue occurs regarding plagiarism and similarities. Authors should ensure the originality of their contents. Thus, manuscripts must be of scientific value and must not have been published elsewhere.
The manuscripts in which the plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of the plagiarism:
The manuscript will be given an ID and been under review when the plagiarism extent is ≤ 20% and do not exceed 5% from any cited reference.
The manuscript will be given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to author for content revision when the plagiarism extent > 20% and/or exceed 5% from any cited reference.
The manuscript will NOT given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to author for content revision when Plagiarism extent is 20-50 %.
Plagiarism extent > 50%, the manuscript is rejected without the review.